October 26, 2010


Tuesday, October 26, 2010

And we're back!

Dennis is right, CHINA will definitely change you. It blew us away, especially Guangzhou. We didn't expect that a city so advanced, so cosmopolitan exists just a couple of hours away from Manila.

So we jot down some of the things that pumped our energy to WALK! Not just walk I tell you, it's more of an AMAZING RACE to us.

1. PEOPLE. They're everywhere, chaos I tell you. Most of them carry small or big shopping bags. Everyone is out to shop, to dine and take note...this is on a MONDAY. Imagine this:
Manila payday weekend - the traffic + (people x GAZILLION) = CHAOS

2. 7 Floors SHOPPING MALLS, and it didn't stop there. Small shops, boutiques even the branded ones are located at their side streets (as if the shopping malls aren't enough)

3. Market HOLE. Consumerism is fast. With our packaging, wala na! (wishful thinking...fingers crossed)
4. GIANT RETAILERS are there to serve BILLIONS too.
5. PROMODIZERS are ALIENS!!! If I were a doctor I'll diagnose them with an Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. WILD!

This list served as our caffeine the whole trip. We can't sleep, too excited to explore. We literally need to "TWO BOTTLES" to sleep (hehe, actually we just reasoned the "can't sleep" part, just so we can two bottles. Haha kidding)

Anyway, we'll post each of our findings based on the list provided above.

Until then...


Photos by Dhon de Belen


Dennis D. Balajadia said...

WICKED PROBLEM! China get ready for DEG!!! Or is it DEG get ready for China!?! :)

Sarah Z. said...

I'd like to believe: China get ready for DEG. We bought China flags to keep us motivated. Hahaha!

Unknown said...

I agree Sarah - its China get ready for DEG... Go China Team!!!

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